Saturday, January 05, 2008

08' Resolutions

85% tobacco free (further improvement, refer to 09' resolutions)

79% alcohol free (further improvement, refer to 09' resolutions)

save the world by recycling

get myself a Mac

get a fish eye or colorsplash before Lion

summer break in Phuket, Thailand

family trip to London (i'm the one who suggested to dad.. >:))

O & G or TeLmed

Malaysia or not Malaysia

reduce green house effect by eating more vege (for my health actually)

wake up sharp at 7am (entitle to Monday to Friday ONLY)

save the world from Global warming (only enjoy office's air-cond as long boss pays d bill)

save those Tuna fish from those Japanese (I dun like tuna actually, dun mind lobster or else)

maybe change a car

willing to strive to ensure Manchester United will retain their title

control my coffee intake from (6 cups to 5.5 cups) ----> toughest

try to sleep more than 6 hours

ARrrr!!! brain saturation..........................i guess i need a break for now!